IPEN members have participated as observers in the work of the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Review Committee (POPRC) since its inception. The POPRC is a subsidiary body to the Stockholm Convention established for reviewing chemicals proposed for listing in Annex A, B, and/or C.
Twentieth meeting of the POPRC, 23-27 September, 2024
Nineteenth meeting of the POPRC, 9 - 13 October, 2023
- IPEN's Quick views
- IPEN Press Statement
- Briefing: Long-chain PFCAs: IPEN Studies and Views
- Interventions
Eighteenth meeting of the POPRC, 26 - 30 September, 2022
Seventeenth meeting of the POPRC, Online, 24 - 28 January, 2022
- IPEN's Quick view
- IPEN's UV-328 Communication on Recent Research
- IPEN co-hosted a side event, "Using the Power of Endocrine Science to Evaluate the Endocrine Disrupting Effects of POP Substances ," on 26 January. Watch the Recorded Video on YouTube
Sixteenth meeting of the POPRC, Online, 11 - 16 January, 2021
The Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee met virtually to discuss important additions to the chemicals listed in the Stockholm Convention. While IPEN is deeply disappointed that a decision on the flame retardant declorane plus (DP) was deferred, the committee decided to move forward on UV-238 and methoxychlor.
Fifteenth meeting of the POPRC, Rome, Italy, 1 - 4 October, 2019
- IPEN Press Release: U.N. Expert Committee Recommends Global Elimination of Toxic Chemical Harming Health of Firefighters
- IPEN's Quick Guide to IPEN Views on the POPRC15 (English, русский, français, español, العربية)
- IPEN will host a side event at the POPRC15 meeting: "Socioeconomic Costs of PFAS Contamination- A Global Issue of Our Time."
IPEN has convened an international panel of independent experts from the fields of fire safety, chemistry, policy, and remediation to present at this side event. The panel also offers the third in a series of papers about PFAS chemicals: sources of contamination, implications for public and occupational health, safe alternatives, and remediation.
This flyer provides for more details.
Time: Wednesday, 2nd October, 12:45-13:45
Location: FAO Headquarters, Philippines Room
Organized by: IPEN
Fourteenth meeting of the POPRC, Rome, Italy, 17 - 21 September, 2018
- IPEN's Quick Guide to IPEN Views on POPRC14
- IPEN's Press Release: UN expert committee pushes to prevent toxic chemical pollution in drinking water
Thirteenth meeting of the POPRC: Rome, Italy, 17 - 20 October, 2017
Twelth meeting of the POPRC: Rome, Italy, 19 - 23 September, 2016
- IPEN Statement on PFOA Underscores Industry Duplicity
- ABC Australia: UN expert committee finds defence contaminants can cause cancer
- IPEN Interventions on SCCPs
- IPEN's Quick Guide to IPEN Views on POPRC12
Ninth meeting of the POPRC: Rome, Italy, 14 - 18 October, 2013
- IPEN Press Release, 18 October: UN Expert Committee: Pentachlorophenol is one of the world’s worst chemicals, Agrees to incorporate climate change impacts in toxic chemical evaluation
- IPEN's Quick Views on POPRC9 meeting topics.
Fifth meeting of the POPRC: Geneva, Switzerland, 12 - 16 October, 2009
- IPEN Press Release, 16 October, 2009: International Expert Committee: Endosulfan requires global action, Pesticide moves closer to a global ban
Fourth meeting of the POPRC: Geneva, Switzerland, 13 - 17 October, 2008
- IPEN's Quick Views on POPRC4 meeting topics.