Brazil bans sulfluramid in household cleaning products

Brazil’s health regulatory agency (ANVISA) has said it will restrict the use of sulfluramid in household cleaning products.
In 2018, a review committee for the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPRC) recommended taking global action against PFOA and PFOS, with an allowance for the continued use of sulfluramid as a pesticide to kill leaf-cutting ants, which are endemic to Latin America.
ANVISA's ban of the chemical for household products is "excellent news", said María Isabel Cárcamo, International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) steering committee member, noting she hopes ANVISA’s action alerts consumers to sulfluramid’s toxicity, and that it becomes the first step towards its wider prohibition in Latin America.
See IPEN's report on sulfluramide here.
Read the full story in Chemical Watch (subscription required).