EU should stand against recycling exemption for the flame retardant DecaBDE

IPEN worked with partners Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) to send a letter to the European Commission about the European Union's position on the recent proposal to recycle materials containing the toxic flame retardant DecaBDE. This proposal will be addressed at the upcoming meeting of the Stockholm Convention POPs Review Committee (POPRC) in October and the letter urges the Commission to take a clear position against recycling materials containing DecaBDE.
DecaBDE is a toxic flame retardant mainly used in plastics for electronic and electrical equipment and in textiles. According to expert evaluation by the POPRC, DecaBDE is bioaccumulative and persistent and has potential adverse effects on the hormone, reproductive, and nervous systems.
Read the entire letter here.
Read the press release: EU Wants to Allow Banned Chemicals in Household Products