New article examines lead concentrations in new decorative enamel paints in four countries
This article, published in the journal Environmental Research, examines lead concentrations in new decorative enamel paints in Armenia, Brazil, India and Kazakhstan. The impacts of regulatory limits and efforts of non-governmental organizations and others to stop the use of lead compounds in manufacturing paints were also studied. Additionally, an evaluation of the lead loading limit determined by X-Ray Fluorescence for areas on toys that are too small to obtain a sample of sufficient size for laboratory analysis was also undertaken.
Reoresentatives from the Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati (United States), IPEN, Toxics Link (India), APROMAC Environmental Protection Association and Toxisphera Environmental Health Association (Brazil), Greenwomen (Kazakhstan) and Khazer Ecological and Cultural Non-Governmental Organization (Armenia) participated in the study.