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A Toxics-Free Future


Quick Guide to IPEN Views on POPRC12

In preparation for the 12th meeting of the Stockholm Convention's POPs Review Committee (POPRC), which will take place 19 – 23 September in Rome, IPEN has developed a Quick Guide to IPEN Views on POPRC12 (English and français). This document highlights IPEN's views on issues that the Committee will tackle at the meeting, including formal recommendations for listing two chemicals in the treaty: DecaBDE (flame retardant widely present in e-waste) and short-chained chlorinated paraffins (used in metalworking, and as flame retardants in PVC consumer products). The Committee will also decide whether dicofol (pesticide linked to production of DDT) and PFOA (the “Teflon chemical”) should move forward in the Convention evaluation process. Decisions will also be made regarding the unintentional production of hexachlorobutadiene, an update of a guidance document on PFOS alternatives, and an evaluation report on elimination of PBDE flame retardants.