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A Toxics-Free Future


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Plastics Treaty INC-5
International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2024
New Report: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: Threats to Human Health
Chemical Recycling: A Dangerous Deception
See - our website on toxic plastics
Video: Plastics Poisoning Our Health
New Report: The Arctic’s Plastic Crisis

Surya Anaya (BaliFokus, Indonesia) and Manny Calonzo (IPEN Co-Chair, Philippines)

Some IPEN Participating Organizations from the south, southeast and east Asia regions are currently participating in an IPEN gathering in Jakarta, Indonesia. The gathering provides an opportunity for IPEN Participating Organizations and other local non-governmental, civil society groups with a shared mission of a toxics-free future to build relationships and share skills and experiences.

In addition to group discussions, the gathering will also provide presentations about topics such as:pesticides, dioxin and waste, National Implementation Plans in the Stockholm Convention, lead in paint and other toxic metals and hazardous chemicals in products, mercury use in artisanal and small scale gold mining, electronic waste, endocrine disrupting chemicals, contaminated sites, and more.

Semia Gharbi at round table discussion in Tunis.  

At the 2015 World Social Forum, held in March in Tunis, Tunisia, Semia Gharbi, from the organization Association d'Education Environnementale pour la Future Génération (AEEFG), IPEN's Regional Hub for the Middle East & North Africa, organized a presentation on the activities of IPEN, its goals for a toxics-free future, its relationship with the human right to a healthy life, and an overview of chemicals in general. Various IPEN publications were distributed. The presentation was one of hundreds of events held during the Forum, and was conducted as a round table discussion with participants from Tunisia, Egypt, Germany, and other countries. 

IPEN has provided comments to the fourth version of the Chemicals in Products (CiP) Programme developed as an emerging policy issue in the frame of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). The CiP Programme has the central principle that all stakeholders (those along the supply chain and those outside it) should have relevant and reliable information to make informed decisions about chemicals in products.

Photo by Larry Price

WE, concerned organizations from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, express our support for the early ratification and effective implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.  As advocates for our people’s constitutional rights to health and to a healthful environment, we urge the executive and legislative branches of the government to speed up the ratification process of the Convention,

U.S. Affiliated Dutch Boy Sells Lead with High Lead Content in Lebanon

(Gothenberg, Sweden ) A new study of lead levels in paints published in the journal Environmental Research finds that the vast majority of paints sampled in Russia and Lebanon contain dangerously high levels of lead.

(Jakarta) A preliminary exploration of the impact of mercury use in three Indonesian artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) communities found that one-third of the people in one community satisfied WHO guidelines for mercury poisoning along with many children with birth defects, nervous system damage and delayed development. 

NGOs today delivered a formal challenge to the electronics industry to take action to stop the harm to workers and communities caused by hazardous chemicals used to manufacture electronic products.


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