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A Toxics-Free Future


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Plastics Treaty INC-5
International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2024
New Report: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: Threats to Human Health
Chemical Recycling: A Dangerous Deception
See - our website on toxic plastics
Video: Plastics Poisoning Our Health
New Report: The Arctic’s Plastic Crisis

For Immediate Release:

Kumamoto, Japan — The world’s first international mercury treaty should address mercury in artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) by applying the lessons from the Minamata tragedy, the International NGO IPEN said today.

At the conclusion of the International Minamata Symposium hosted by IPEN and Citizens Against Chemicals Pollution (CACP), IPEN presented its recently adopted Minamata Declaration on Toxic Metals to Minamata Disease Victims Group leader Shinobu Sakamoto and the larger Minamata community.

IPEN is hosting an International Toxics Metal Skillshare in Minamata, Japan:

  • International Toxic Metals Skillshare: 3 & 4 October, 2013 (42 participants from 26 countries)
  • International Minamata Symposium: 5 & 6 October, 2013 (convened by IPEN and Citizens Against Chemicals Pollution)

IPEN will also attend meetings convened by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Kumamoto, Japan:

  • Mercury Treaty Preparatory Meeting: 7 & 8 October, 2013
  • Diplomatic Conference (Conference of Plenipotentiaries): 9 - 11 October, 2013


In preparation for the 4th Latin American & Caribbean regional meeting on the SAICM, Pesticide Action Network and IPEN produced two thought starter papers: one on Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides and SAICM and one on Highly Hazardous Pesticides and SAICM.

Study Shows Dangerous Lead Levels in Household Paints in Indonesia, Children’s Health at Risk

Kadar Timah Hitam Dalam Cat di Indonesia Membahayakan Kesehatan dan Tumbuh Kembang Anak

Jakarta — Most paint companies in Indonesia, including some major brands, sell paint for household use containing unsafe levels of lead, according to a study of lead in decorative paint in Indonesia released today.

IPEN, Pesticide Action Network and the Global Indigenous Peoples Caucus released a joint press release at the culmination of the Stockholm Convention's COP6 congratulating governments for their provisional decision to globally ban production and use of the commonly-used flame retardant, HBCD.

IPEN highlights outcomes from the combined meetings of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions and decisions on chemicals and wastes from more than 120 countries.

Read the press release.


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