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A Toxics-Free Future


Mexico Country Situation Report

Country situation report on POPs in Mexico.

The objective of this report was to offer a general panorama of the situation related to POPs in Mexico while incorporating the concerns and recommendations of citizen's groups for the development of the Stockholm Convention National Implementation Plan (NIP). Mexico has selected the World Bank to receive GEF funds to develop the NIP, and after years of delay, the first meeting of the National Coordinating Committee is scheduled for October 2006 with a planning workshop. Some of the POPs, like DDT, PCB, Dioxins and Furans, are in the process of being addressed in the context of regional action plans via the Commission for Environmental Cooperation with USA and Canada under the North American Free Trade Agreement. The report discusses in detail POPs such as DDT, PCBs, Dioxins, Furans and unintentional POPs, as well as issues such as obsolete pesticide stockpiles; contaminated sites; incineration; research and monitoring; and public participation. The report highlights the deficiencies of the current system as well as opportunities for Stockholm Convention implementation.

Country situation report for Mexico

Red de Acción sobre Plaguicidas y Alternativas en México (RAPAM)