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A Toxics-Free Future


Organizing the Multi-Stakeholder National Workshop on Use of Chemical Pesticides in Agriculture: Reality and Way Forward towards Phasing-out Hazardous Pesticides from Bangladesh

A workshop was conducted by OSHE to assess the current uses, hazards, policies, and regulatory frameworks regarding the use of pesticides within the Bangladeshi agricultural community. Workshop participants were given information about alternatives to pesticide use, including the implementation of IPM practices. The meeting activities resulted in formal recommendations about how targeted stakeholders could minimize or phase-out the use of hazardous pesticides. The workshop successfully fostered national awareness and collaboration between diverse groups of stakeholders about the importance of minimizing the use of hazardous pesticides.

OSHE workshop participantsOSHE workshop participants 2Bangla News article.

SustainLabour article: Bangladeshi workers address the use of chemical pesticides in agriculture


