Assess and identify the POPs hotspots in Bangladesh.
This report includes a first-of-its-kind mapping of Bangladesh's POPs sites, practices and hotspots. The 12 POPs discussed in this report either arise from industries or are used in agriculture and disease vector control. Nine of these constitute pesticides used on agricultural crops and vector control. Data was collected for remediation purposes and in order to raise public and government awareness regarding POPs-related challenges. The POPs hotspot data included sites, practices and equipment containing PCBs, dioxins and furans. It also listed generators and capacitors, ship breaking sites, waste dumping/landfills, waste incinerators, timber, dyeing, PVC/plastic industry, and others. Also included are DDT, PCB and other pesticide stockpile sites, as well as specific processes generating unintentional POPs. The report revealed Bangladesh's primary POPs hotspots to be concentrated in Dhaka city and the surrounding areas namely Gagipur, Norshindhi, Narayanganj, Chittagong, Khulna, Sylthet and Barishal.
National hotspot mapping
Identification of specific POPS contaminated sites, practices, processes and equipment