Childhood exposure to lead in paint remains a serious problem in developing countries.
Lead Paint Elimination At-A-Glance
Lead paint is one of the most widespread sources of lead exposure today. There are no safe levels of lead exposure for children and increasing evidence shows that even low levels of lead exposure are harmful for adults.
Where is lead paint still a problem?
Lead paint is widely available around the world, especially in developing countries. See the interactive map with data from monitoring by IPEN Participating Organizations.
What can we do?
Manufacturers should stop adding lead to paint, alternatives are available. NGOs around the planet are creating coalitions with the public, governments and paint industry involvement to create effective and enforceable laws and standards to eliminate lead paint. Contact to connect to the global campaign to eliminate lead paint.
Since 2009, numerous studies have been conducted to assess lead levels in paint. IPEN-affiliated NGOs have conducted the majority of these, collecting and analyzing more than 4,000 paints in 59 countries. Lead levels in paints in most of these countries were found to be high. Results from all lead paint studies conducted since 2009 can be seen at this map.
IPEN also has been instrumental in making lead in paint an issue of global concern through the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint, now led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
IPEN Lead Paint Elimination Activities
IPEN and its participating organizations are leading lead awareness and elimination activities in developing countries and countries with economies in transition across the globe.
Listing Lead Chromates Under the Rotterdam Convention
IPEN members around the world are advocating for the Rotterdam Convention to list lead chromates as hazardous chemicals that are subject to the provisions of the Convention’s Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedure. Learn more.
Lead Paint Research
A large body of research now exists documenting the presence of lead in paint – often in astonishingly high levels – in lead paint in developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
Lead Paint Background
Learn more about the economic and health impacts of lead; how lead is used in paints and alternatives to lead; and a framework for eliminating lead in paint.
Lead Paint Elimination FAQ
Click here for a downloadable version of the Lead Paint Elimination FAQ.
Other Resources
Links to resources outside IPEN that contain useful information about lead and lead in paint.