Volgograd Ecopress GDA
Global day of action on POPs in Russia: Act with us against POPs!
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Global day of action on POPs in Russia: Act with us against POPs!
Study of POPs levels in the breast milk of women-residents of Chelyabinsk Oblast (Karabash) and Tyumen Oblast (Tobolsk).
Comparative study on environmental, socioeconomic and health impacts of POPs use and contamination in contaminated areas: Ouesse and Nkayi, Republic of Congo.
Country situation report on POPs in Romania.
The time to act: addressing obsolete pesticides.
South Africa policy brief: national application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) to eliminate POPs and their by-products.
Country situation report on POPs in Sri Lanka.
Global day of action on POPs in Sudan.
Country situation report on POPs in Syria.
Southeast Asia International POPs Elimination Project meeting and skillshare on enhancing NGO/CSO participation in the National Implementation Plans on POPs.
Socioeconomic, health and environmental impact study of POPs pesticide use in agriculture in Davie.
Country situation report on POPs in Tunisia.
Identification of activities or practices that release POPs in Uganda.
Partnerships between NGOs and research facilities for capacity building to reduce adverse health and environmental impacts of POPs.
Egg sampling for by-product POPs in Uruguay.
Informing residents of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (RK) living near disposal sites of POPs.
Country situation report on POPs in Venezuela.
Country situation report on POPs in Yemen.
Global day of action on POPs in the Czech Republic.
Country situation report on POPs in Egypt.