IPEN's Annual Report summarizes our accomplishments from 2023. As our Co-chairs noted, in 2023 “we were consistently inspired by the dynamic IPEN teams working together for a safe, healthy, and just society.”
Born in Nairobi, Kenya, where my father was a teacher and my mother a farmer, I must confess that the issue of pollution - any type of pollution, never bothered anyone in my community. Of course, we knew the theory that “smoke is harmful to health,” but that was it!
On Tuesday 23 April, more than 20 women attended the IPEN Women’s Caucus meeting in Ottawa, Canada, during the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4), in Ottawa, Canada.
CSOs urge ASEAN leaders to take a strong stance in the ongoing negotiations to develop an international legally binding instrument to address plastic pollution, including in the marine environment.
A new report from Alaska Community Action on Toxics and IPEN finds that chemicals, plastics, and climate change are interrelated and threaten Arctic Peoples and lands. These forces have combined to poison lands, waters, and traditional foods of Arctic Indigenous Peoples, with ongoing health effects that threaten their cultures and communities.