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A Toxics-Free Future


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Science-Policy OEWG-3 Interventions

Intervention on Conflict of Interest

Presented by Chinkie Peliño-Golle, EcoWaste Coalition

Thank you, Madam Chair.

I am Chinkie Pelino-Golle and I am speaking on behalf of two NGOs: EcoWaste Coalition in the Philippines, and IPEN - the International Pollutants Elimination Network, a global network of public interest, civil society organizations in 129 countries.
IPEN believes that the development and implementation of a strong conflict-of-interest policy will be crucial to ensure that the Panel provides independent, scientifically sound data, suitable to inform policy work. The process must be transparent, and require that conflicts of interest declarations and evaluations are made publicly available.

The policy should consider current and previous engagements, and apply to everyone who is involved in the work of the SPP and its subsidiary bodies. It should require disclosure of all potential conflicts of interest, and the Panel should have procedures to actively prevent conflicts of interest throughout all its work and decision-making processes.

Finally, we want to underscore that information related to the health and safety of humans and the environment can never be considered confidential. IPEN therefore stresses that the Panel should reject attempts to keep scientific information secret, through claims of “commercially sensitive” information and urge delegates to reject any procedure to safeguard commercial business interests. Information and data submitted to or used by the Panel and its subsidiary bodies should be made publicly available, as it is customary under other science policy panels, including IPBES and IPCC.

We look forward to continuing to work with you throughout the week.