Associação de Proteção ao Meio Ambiente (APROMAC) is the NGO that IPEN and Toxics Link partnered with in Brazil for this project.
Associação de Proteção ao Meio Ambiente (APROMAC) is the NGO that IPEN and Toxics Link partnered with in Brazil for this project.
In an effort to improve participation and collaboration among organizations and individuals concerning the SAICM Global Plan of Action, Associação de Proteção ao Meio Ambiente de Cianorte (APROMAC) pushed an explicit chemical implementation agenda at three consecutive meetings of Brazil's National Committee on Chemical Safety (CONSAQ). Additionally, they created a special webpage on their website focused solely on SAICM, which also provides monthly bulletins on SAICM issues.
Associação de Combate aos Poluentes (ACPO) organized a meeting of eight representatives of chemical safety and environmental health NGOS from six Brazilian states in order to provide updates on the Stockholm Convention, SAICM and the Mercury Treaty process, as well as to increase the awareness of toxic chemicals in Brazil. During this meeting, a national network, REBLIT, was created to provide a central focus on the chemical agenda, to raise public awareness and to share experiences and information.
In an effort to increase public awareness and education about the invisible dangers of toxics, Toxisphera built a website to enable citizens to post information about chemicals and reach a wider audience. This interactive website also allowed other networks and websites to share articles and publications informing the public about emerging themes of SAICM as well as the Stockholm Convention on POPs, domestic chemical prevention projects, and mercury related issues.