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A Toxics-Free Future


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The second session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM2) was held in Geneva, Swtizerland from 11 - 15 May, 2009. Numerous representatives from IPEN Participating Organizations actively participated. Please see IPEN information and documents related to the meeting below. For more details about the meeting (background documents, agenda, etc.), please see the SAICM website.


IPEN Quick Views of ICCM2

This document is a summary statement of IPEN's views on issues that ICCM2 was called upon to address, including:

  • Rules of Procedure
  • Evaluation of SAICM implementation
  • Coherence among international instruments
  • Modalities for reporting
  • Strengthening of national chemicals management capacities
  • Financial and technical resources
  • Emerging policy issues
  • Subsidiary bodies
  • Information exchange and scientific and technical cooperation
  • Cooperation with intergovernmental organizations

Citizens' Report: Global Outreach Campaign on the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management

This report documents more than 300 activities conducted by public interest NGOs that relate to SAICM implementation. The report was made available online in the beginning of May (see press release below), but it was also introducd to international delegtes at a side event on 13 May at the ICCM2 meeting.

Global Study to Determine Lead in New Decorative Paints in 10 Countries

IPEN and Participating Organization Toxics Link's Executive Summary and Global Study to Determine Lead in New Decorative Paints in 10 Countries were highlighted at a side event on 13 May called “Eliminating Lead in Paint: a Partnership for Health.” The side event convened a multi-sectoral panel of speakers and presented information on the extent of lead in paint, safer alternatives on the market, industries’ goals, and how to achieve a global phase-out of lead in paint.


Press Releases

1 May, 2009: SAICM International Chemical Status Report Released

Coalition of NGOs Call for More Action to Protect Health and Environment from Dangerous Chemicals

16 May, 2009: NGOs call for urgent action on toxic chemicals at UN Conference

Chemical industry refuses to provide financial support; political will to carry out agreement uncertain.

15 May, 2009: NGOs Disappointed at Nano Outcome of International Conference on Chemical Management (ICCM2)

“The actions on nanotechnology that were agreed upon today do not reflect the urgency of the issue. The delegates were made aware that nanomaterials are an intergenerational risk, with nanoparticles being passed from mother to child via maternal blood. Yet these risks appear to have been ignored in the response by ICCM2," said Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith, IPEN CoChair.

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