Over 27% of pesticides approved in Togo are highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs). Eight (8) of these highly toxic pesticides were registered by the National Committee of Plant Protection Products of Togo and are commonly used in the country even though they are formally banned in Europe and other countries of the world. Find out more in this national report on HHPs and alternatives in Togo from the Organization for the Environment and Sustainable Development (OPED).
This project relates to Sustainable Development Goals 2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, and 15.
This report presents new data on the total lead content of solvent-based paints available on the market in Colombia. It also presents background information on why the use of lead paint is a source of serious concern, especially to children’s health; a review of national policy frameworks that are in place to ban or restrict the manufacture, import, eXport, sale and use of lead paint, and provides a strong justification to adopt and enforce further regulatory controls in Colombia.
The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is a landlocked sovereign state located in Asia. Nepal has a surface area of 147,181.48 km2, lies within the latitude 26º 22‵N to 30º 27‵ N and longitude 80º 04‵E to 88º 12‵E in South Asia. The Himalayan country borders China to the north and India to the south, east, and west. The average east-to-west length of the country is 885km and the north-to-south width is 193km.
Jordan is a small country in the Middle East with a population of around 10 million people. The plastic industry in Jordan is relatively small, has limited domestic production capabilities, and the majority of plastic products in Jordan are imported.
An analysis published in 2023 looked at chemicals in recycled plastic pellets collected by IPEN member groups from thirteen countries. The testing identified and quantified 491 chemicals in the recycled plastic, including pesticides, industrial chemicals, PCBs, and other toxic substances. The results add to the increasing evidence that plastic recycling spreads toxic chemicals uncontrollably and is not a solution to the plastics crisis.
For this study, jackets and other clothing sold as water- or stain-resistant were purchased from 13 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. Most of the jackets tested were marketed for children. Countries included were Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Serbia, Montenegro, Kenya, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and the U.S.