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A Toxics-Free Future



Centro de Analisis y Accion en Toxicos (CAATA) is the NGO that IPEN and Toxics Link partnered with in Mexico for this project.

Results from National Sampling

No.Samples - 30
Median ppm - 30204
% > 90 ppm - 67
%>600 ppm - 67
Average (ppm) - 34575
1. Lead is found in high concentration in all enamel paint samples-more than 90 ppm. One enamel paint sample, produced by a major U.S. multinational company, contained over 30,000 ppm lead.
2. All plastic paint samples were found to have lead in lower concentrations-lower than 90ppm.
3. 67 percent of all samples were found to have lead concentrations more than 90 ppm.
4. The median for enamel samples was found to be five percent, which was quite high. In case of plastic samples, the median value was 4.4ppm of lead.


(Spanish) Lead in New Decorative Paints- Plomo en Pinturas Decorativas Nuevas

(Spanish) Press release-Niños en riesgo por alto contenido de plomo en pinturas de esmalte