Mombasa, Kenya (CNN)On a hot afternoon at a sprawling settlement on the outskirts of Mombasa, Phyllis Omido makes her rounds.
For close to a decade, Omido has been visiting the Owino Uhuru village, monitoring the various illnesses, deaths, and miscarriages that have occurred since a nearby smelter contaminated the village's air and water with lead.
Young Volunteers for the Environment (YVE)- The Gambia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Environment Agency (NEA) to conduct research and jointly implement projects in the areas of solvent based paint study and lead paint control and elimination in The Gambia.
There is the kind of lead poisoning that creeps into water supplies, builds up in children’s blood streams, and, if sustained, will impair their brains. And then there is the kind, much rarer, that makes fully grown adults drop dead.