CREPD is a Cameroon-based NGO created in 2004 and is dedicated to bridge the gap between science and action in Cameroon and sub-Sahara Africa to promote sustainable development. The organization is instrumental in advising science-based informed decision and policy making processes, as well as the national development planning on “what is needed at grassroots levels” to enable sustainable development through daily sound management of chemicals and wastes, sustainable agriculture, and responsible mining. Many efforts are made to entail continuous capacity building through North-South collaborative research/activities (OK International, USA; BRI, USA; and Ashland University in Ohio, USA); and collaboration with national University through student internships and volunteering programs (ENSAI, University of Ngaoundere, Adamawa Region, Cameroon). CREPD has a consultative status with UNEP, is an active Participating Organization of IPEN and currently acts as IPEN’s Regional Hub Host for Francophone Africa. CREPD received the first prize of SAICM Award in 2013 for outstanding QSP project implementation in Africa.