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A Toxics-Free Future


Chile GDA

Global day of action on POPS in Chile.

This activity was coordinated by the NGO, Alianza por una Mejor Calidad de Vida, members of the Pesticide Action Network in Latin America (RAPAL), and Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales on April 21, 2005. The NGOs delivered a letter to the former President of the Republic of Chile, Ricardo Lagos, signed by 50 social and grassroots organizations and other NGOs including women's farm worker organizations, urging the government to further implement the Stockholm Convention, specifically encouraging the actions of: applying the precautionary principle; eliminating dioxin emissions in a cellulose plant; addressing illegal trafficking of POPs; and nominating the pesticides Lindane and endosulfan as new POPs.

Effective NGO-Government Communication (letter regarding implementation of Stockholm Convention)

Alianza por una Mejor Calidad de Vida