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Country Situation Report on POPs in Albania
The report explains the sources and types of POPs in Albania and the damage caused by them, including studies describing the contamination of the environment, food, breast milk and blood. In addition, the report covers the results of six new monitoring samples collected by EDEN Center and Arnika from soil and chicken eggs gathered near POPs hotspots. This is the first report to comprehensively describe the POPs situation in Albania.
Country situation reportArnika
Environmental Center for Development, Education and Networking Center (EDEN Center)
International POPs Elimination Project (IPEP)
Until only a few years ago, developing countries and countries with economies in transition had very limited access to information about the severe health and environmental harm caused by persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and other chemical pollutants.
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As an international leader on chemical safety, IPEN has won the respect of governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), scientists, and health professionals around the world. IPEN’s work has contributed to numerous positive developments at both the international and national levels.
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IPEN offers a wide range of expert spokespeople on topics related to chemical safety and heavy metals with experience working in international fora to address these issues. Our network of scientists and NGO leaders working in more than 100 developing countries and countries with economies in transition can help round out your story with the “on the ground” and policy experience they have gleaned within their own countries.