New Webinars on Plastics, Lead, Nanotechnology

IPEN's Regional Hubs in Southeast Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean have recently organized several webinars on several important issues, including the threat of chemicals in plastics, issues related to plastic waste and recycling, consumer labeling, nanotechnology, and lead in paint. Experts in these subjects have provided critical information about the dangers of chemicals to human health, the need for greater controls and regulation, the role that industry must play in both reducing toxics and in protecting consumers, and the steps that individuals can take to protect themselves from harm and to engage with others in raising awareness about and action on toxic chemicals.
We recently created a Webinars page that consolidates the most recent gatherings. Because nearly all of these webinars have one or more simultaneous translations, viewers may access playlists for each webinar to see what language translations are available. Subscribe to our Youtube channel to get the fastest updates for new additions:
In addition, we know have playlists for these languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish. These playlists contain not only the videos that IPEN and its hubs have created, but also important videos created by IPEN's partners in the language of the playlist. If you have feedback for us about our videos, drop us a line in the comments or message us on Twitter @ToxicsFree.