Information Materials
- SAICM: Setting Boundaries to Protect Human Health and the Environment
- Non-Paper on Strategic Objectives and Targets
- Non-Paper on Measurability Structure
- Non-Paper on Financial considerations, Financial Arrangements and Capacity Building
- SAICM/ICCM.5/INF/12 IPEN Perspectives for ICCM5: towards a new instrument on chemicals and waste beyond 2020
- Global Chemicals Outlook II: From Legacies to Innovative Solutions
- Earth Negotiations Bulletin Summary report of IP4.2
- An Assessment Report on Issues of Concern
- IP4 working documents and information documents
- ICCM5 working documents and information documents
- UNEA Resolution 5/7 on the Sound management of chemicals and waste
- Independent Evaluation of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (Executive Summary)