This country situation report from Russia analyzes the state of the plastics market, from production to imports and exports, with special focus on the plastics waste markets, where toxic chemical additives are recycled along with base plastic types. It concludes with a summary of how the extended producer responsibility principle works in Russia.
Outcome documents adopted at IPEN EECCA regional meeting, 9-11 December 2021, as well as the EECCA NGO Regional Strategy on Sound Chemicals and Waste Management till 2030.
This review, available in Russian and carried out by the NGO Eco-SPES, provides official statistical information on incidence of COVID-19 cases in the Russian Federation in 2020 and excess mortality figures, including data from independent researchers.
Several sections of the review contain information on development of environmental legislation in Russia in the 20th - early 21st century, including legislation on matters of environmental expert appraisals, environmental impact assessment (EIA), and management of production and consumption waste.
To prepare for this project, The Center “Cooperation for Sustainable Development” (CSD) carried out a search and analysis of all available materials related to the coronavirus infection. Statistical data on the spread of the COVID -19 in Kazakhstan, measures taken by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the introduction of a state of emergency and the current regulatory legal acts were analyzed.
IPEN and "Eco-Accord" present the next issue of the EECCA regional newsletter. IPEN members from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Ukraine share the outcomes of their work.