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A Toxics-Free Future


Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint features IPEN work in new newsletter

The Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint, a voluntary partnership established to help achieve international goals to prevent children’s exposure to lead paint and to minimize occupational exposures to lead paint, has featured IPEN's successful Asian Lead Paint Elimination Project in its new newsletter, stating, "Through the work of Alliance Partner IPEN and its partners in its EU-funded Asian Lead Paint Elimination Project, several countries in Asia have enacted or are planning to enact new limits on lead in paint."

It goes on to highlight the countries where regulations have been put into place and where it is anticipated that they will be soon. It also lists the Asian Partners that were included in the project: BaliFokus (Indonesia), CEJ (Sri Lanka), CEPHED (Nepal), EARTH (Thailand), EcoWaste Coalition (Philippines), ESDO (Bangladesh), and Toxics Link (India).

Read the newsletter here.