A successful event promoting a safe school environment that will prevent and reduce childhood lead and mercury exposure was recently held in the Philippines. The event, organized by IPEN Participating Organization EcoWaste Coalition, the European Union and the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), saw 200 people in attendance, including H.E. European Union Ambassador Guy Ledoux and DENR Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje.
This article, published in the journalEnvironmental Research, examines lead concentrations in new decorative enamel paints in Armenia, Brazil, India and Kazakhstan. The impacts of regulatory limits and efforts of non-governmental organizations and others to stop the use of lead compounds in manufacturing paints were also studied.
The Asian Lead Paint Elimination Project Partner Newsletter for May, 2014 is now available, and contains news about partners' work in sampling house dust for lead content, as well as information about the recent resolution on lead in paint passed at the Asia Pacific regional SAICM meeting and important new reports about lead in paint.