A comprehensive new report “Waste incineration and the Environment” released today by Arnika, the Centre for Environment Justice and Development (CEJAD) in Kenya, Centre de Recherche et d‘Education pour le Développement (CREPD) in Cameroon, Toxics Free Australia (TFA), and IPEN finds that burning waste, especially plastics, produces unsustainable and unmanageable hazardous air emissions and large amounts of highly toxic solid residues (ash), concluding that alternatives to incineration should
Non-combustion technologies for the destruction of persistent organic pollutant (POP) waste have been around since the 1990’s. They provide a non-polluting and effective alternative to incineration of POPs waste, an old technology which continues to release and emit unintentional POPs (UPOPs). Incineration has become a trap with a never-ending cycle of attempted POPs waste destruction followed by more unintentional POPs creation in the form of dioxins and furans from the combustion process. Non-combustion processes can destroy the same waste and allow us to break free of the POPs cycle once and for all.
Сколько мусоросжигателей, инсинераторных установок или крематоров находится в вашем городе или регионе? Что о них известно и какую опасность таят в себе эти технологии?
In this newsletter (in Russian / на русском) from the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asian (EECCA) region, IPEN Participating Organizations from Armenia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan shared results of their recent work. Results presented relate to issues such as the production and use of highly hazardous pesticides, waste incineration, the disposal of obsolete pesticides, and environmental pollution from plastic. The work of these organizations and others contributes to the implementation of the regional EECCA NGO Strategy for Chemical Safety for the period up to 2030.
Customs authorities cautioned from burning confiscated cosmetics containing mercury
Thursday, 18 June 2020
Quezon City, Philippines Non-government organizations have cautioned the customs authorities from burning confiscated skin whitening products tainted with mercury to reduce the harm of mercury pollution to human health and the environment.
Last week, the Bureau of Customs NAIA sent to a pyrolysis disposal facility in Trece Martires City some 1.5 tons of seized imported goods, including 400 kilos of unregistered Goree skin lightening cosmetics that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned in 2017 due to their mercury content.
Groups pursue ban on waste trade as the first anniversary of the re-exportation of Canadian garbage dumped in the Philippines on May 31 nears
Thursday, 28 May 2020
Quezon City, Philippines Civil society groups marked the first anniversary of the repatriation of 69 container vans of rotting Canadian garbage to their source with a resounding plea for decisive policy actions to prevent its recurrence and to defend environmental justice and the rule of law.